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How to Maintain the Battery of Battery Transfer Cart?

DATE: 2021 - 10 - 28
Read: 236 次浏览

The battery-powered transfer cart purchased should be well maintained if you want to use it for a long time, I will explain to you about the battery maintenance.

A battery-powered transfer cart battery is a device that converts chemical energy directly into electrical energy, it is a battery designed according to rechargeable, rechargeable through a reversible chemical reaction generally refers to a lead-acid battery, rail flat car power source is a battery, it is free from the bondage of cable, it can be operated by remote control, it is more convenient and safe when using, it is suitable for the long-distance rail transportation system.

battery transfer cart
battery transfer cart

Battery maintenance method of battery transfer cart, if you do not use the car for a long time, the driver should be fully charged battery, battery transfer cart if left unused for a long time, it is likely to cause the vehicle difficult to start. So owners should start the transfer car every month or so to keep the battery alive, the battery surface should be kept clean, should be poured with hot water in time to flush, remove dust, so as not to affect the conductivity between the poles and terminals, clean up, wipe the surface of the battery clean, wipe butter on the poles and terminals to ensure that the poles are not oxidized.

The above is a summary of the battery maintenance of battery electric flat cars, have other related questions can also feel free to contact us at Henan Perfect Transfer Cart company.

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